#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # de-tabbed at four columns per tab per perldoc perlstyle use strict; use integer; $| = 1; # require 5.004; # at least... not yet certain of minimum perl requirement my $VERSION = '20010512'; use CGI qw( :standard -no_debug escapeHTML); use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; head1 NAME CSS Menu - offer website visitors a choice of stylesheets. =head1 DESCRIPTION This script lets your website offer a menu of stylesheets. =head1 README This script was written for theperlarchive.com as the result of a discussion of their switch to a stylesheet which was less than ideal for some users. The text below contains many references to their site, and the HTML code ouputed by this script currently resembles the perlarchive's HTML. You will quite likely want to examine not only the configuration variables, but also the HTML (in HEREDOC'ed strings) to modify for use with your website. I'm too lazy to re-write this documentation right now, or to fix the HTML, so I'm putting this out as-is (plus what CPAN scripts requires) in case anyone else out there may want it. -matt This code has been released by its author Matthew Wickline into the public domain April 22nd 2001. ... and re-released into the public domain by the same author after minor changes on the following dates: April 26th 2001 April 30th 2001 May 4th 2001 May 12th 2001 This code is provided with no warantees or guarantees of any sort, and no claims are made as to the code's suitability or merchantability for any purpose. Et cetera ad nasuem, caveat emptor (even though this is free code, so there is technically no "buyer"... if I knew the latin for "user", I'd have put that in there instead ;) I'll document two things here... First is how you would install the script enough to be able to test it. Second is how you would proceed to implement the script in live code. Testing: First install the script. You can install it anywhere you want, but this code makes an assumption that you will install it within the www.perlarchive.com domain (as opposed to one of the other perlarchive domains like tlc or something). If you do not install it in www.perlarchive.com, then you will need to pay close attention when setting $css_menu below. It is important that all of this happen within one domain. You'll still be able to use the stylesheets in other domains, but the tag linking to the stylesheet will still reference the www.perlarchive.com domain (or whichever domain you use to host this script). This is because different browsers handle cross-domain cookie security slightly differently, and the best way to avoid compatability problems is to keep all of our script interactions within the same domain. To see if the script installed properly, access the script at its URL with ?cookie_offered=1 appended. So maybe: http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.cgi?cookie_offered=1 You should get a stylesheet menu of some sort. If not, then something is wrong. Verify that you can execute cgi scripts in the install directory, that the script has the right permissions (Unix: chmod a+x css_menu.cgi ... PC: give access to the anonymous internet user). Make sure that the file has the right line endings for the server's platform. Etc. Once you've got a menu comming up, you've got a script which can stand on its own. However, the menu will not be wrapped up in the perlarchive template. So, you'll want to create a page that will "suck in" a stylesheet menu from this script. Basically, just create a new page, as you normally would, but instead of putting real content in where you would put content, put the following: Save the new web page, maybe as css_menu.shtml, so it would then have a URL of http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.shtml In order for the exec cgi call to work, the shtml and cgi files must both be served from the same domain, in this case we're assuming www.perlarchive.com. If you don't see the menu being rendered in the shtml page when you access its URL, then ensure that - double-check that the shtml file's changes were saved after you put in the exec cgi tag, and that you're seeing an empty-ish page, not a 404 error - the script tested ok in stand-alone mode above - the .cgi and .shtml are in the same domain (rather than one of them in tlc. and one in www.) - your server has SSI exec cgi enabled If exec cgi is not enabled and cannot be enabled, then you'll have to use the script in stand-alone mode. That means the menu won't look like your other perlarchive pages (unless you add some functionality to the script). To put the script in stand-alone mode, set $css_menu (below) to an empty string (or other false value). Otherwise, set $css_menu to the URL of the shtml page. Right now, there is already a value in $css_menu which assumes that you're able to follow the above example to the letter, and decided to use the same file names as given in the examples. You will want to ensure that the value is correct (or empty if exec cgi is not an option). Now we need a page which will use stylesheets provided by this script. You could use the menu page itself, but I think that implementation will be smoother if you use some other page. So, duplicate one of your existing perlarchive pages. This page can be in any of the perlarchive.com subdomains, at any path. Just duplicate it and give the duplicate a new name so we can play with it an no users will accidentally run into the test page. Now, I understand that much of the info in that page will be filled in by SSI calls, and that one of those SSI calls fills in a bunch of header information, including the link to the stylesheet. We don't want to edit the included file yet, as we're still testing and doing that would affect all of the files in the site. So, for this test file, replace the relevant SSI call with the actualy content provided by that SSI call. Now we can edit the content freely, and only affect this one test page. Replace the stylesheet URL with the URL to this script (without any extra parameters). So, maybe this: http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.cgi Now, we need to have a link to the stylesheet menu. Normally I imagine that this link would go in one of the side-box areas. For testing purposes, though, we can just put it right in the content of the test page. The link should point to the cgi script with "?menu=please" appended. (Note that this is not the same as the "?ssi_menu=please" used above!) So, maybe this: http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.cgi?menu=please Now pull up that test page in your web browser. You should be able to click on the link and be taken to the shtml page. The reason that you don't link directly to the shtml page itself is that we want the script to have an opportunity to check your browser's cookie support. You should see different behavior when you turn cookies on or off. When you have cookies enabled, and you select different stylesheet preferences, you should see those changes taking effect in the test page which calls the script to provide its stylesheet. (As the menu page indicates, you may need to reload for the new stylesheet to be downloaded and applied.) Now, we need to configure the script. The readily-configurable variables are all in the first section of code below. We have already talked about the first variable $css_menu. The other variables are all described below. The last config variable is @development_machines, so keep going until you set that one. There's also a large comment after that indicating that you're done. Note that this script was not designed to be highly portable. If you want to use it anywhere outside of the perlarchive, you'll want to search the file for occurances of perlarchive and replace them as appropriate. Once you've verified to your satisfaction that the test settup is configured as you desire, and working properly, it is time to make the whole system live. Implementation: First, decide whether you're going to use the shtml menu page in its current location. If so, good. If not, put it in its final location, and adjust the $css_menu variable below. Also, make sure that the script is in its final location. If so, good. If not, move it. Be sure to put it under the same domain as the .shtml page (perhaps www.perlarchive.com) and note that all of the URLs you constructed above will need to be adjusted to accomadate the new script location (including the exec cgi call). I strongly suggest that you re-test if you decided to move stuff. Now that everything is in a final location, and re-tested, We need to adjust the link to the stylesheet source in every page, and add a link for users to change their css preferences to every page. I strongly recomend that the chanegs be made in that order. That way, the script will be serving them the appropriate default pages before they know they have an option, and then they will find an option appearing to change that behavior. If you do it in the other order, they'll have an option to pick a new style, but the option won't work until the link to the stylesheet source is udpated on all the pages. So, search for all the stylesheet links in your site (maybe they're in one SSI file, so you'll have less work). Replace each URL with a call to the cgi script, without any additional parameters. So, maybe this: http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.cgi Be sure that you use the full URL, including the domain, so that the script is always called from the same domain, and you won't have any cookie compatability problems. Even pages in the tlc subdomain should call their styelsheet from the www domain (well, assuming that you decided to use the www domain for this). When all pages are updated, users should be receiving appropriate stylesheets automatically. They don't yet have the option to pick a different preference. To give them that option, add to one of your SSI side-boxes a link like http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.cgi?menu=please Again, be sure you use the same domain for this link as you did with the $css_menu variable and in the stylesheet link above. Since this link will appear in multiple perlarchive subdomains, you'll probably want to specify the full URL in the link. At this point, you should be done. Now you can work on any new stylesheets by having them set as non-public stylesheets in the %css config hash below. You can polish them as much as you like, and then make them public so that other folks can use them. Enjoy! -matt PS: This is now public domain, so you can do anything you want with it. If you'd like you can insert it into the perlarchive's script archive, but note that I'm not offering any support for it, and would rather not have my email address associated with the script if it is made publicly available. I'm happy to tweak it for you if you run into any problems with it, but only as time permits, and only for use at the perlarchive. Ironically, as I typed this paragraph, it occured to me to see if the perlarchive already had anything simmilar. Turns out that (CSSFile; ID #2650) is quite simmilar. Well, TIMTOWTDI as they say... =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the C module. =head1 COREQUISITES none =pod OSNAMES any =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Web CGI =cut # TODO # quick-links feature # could add an ssi call for quick links... they would appear # as just a list of links, each link naming a stylesheet. # User would click link, and their prefs would change. This # would require defining a "short name" for each style, and # we could return the list as either comma separated list of # links, or as an UL element (depending on ssi call). # Maybe I'll add that later, but email conversation indicated # that this usage would be less attractive for the perlarchive. # NOTE: if this feature is implmented, use the short name instead # of the %css key to report cookie values to users. That way the # %css key is no longer a user-visible item (other than in URLs). # less site-specific output # modify HTML output to be more generic. This would only be # for my copy of the code, not for the perlarchive's version. my $css_menu = q{http://www.perlarchive.com/css_menu.shtml}; # This is the URL for the .shtml page which wraps template # stuff around the stylesheet menu (which content is itself # inserted into that page via server-side include) ## # Set this to the empty string (or undef or other false value) # if you want this script to generate the entire stylesheet # menu page on its own. The script will do this, but the # resulting web page will not have the perlarchive look-and-feel. ########## # WARNING: # When you give users a link to the stylesheet menu, you # should *NOT* give them the above URL. See the pod above # for details. We first want to check their cookie support. my $home = q{http://www.perlarchive.com/}; # We try to use referer info to send users to their # last-visited page after they select a stylesheet. # If their browser didn't give us that info, send # them to the above URL by default. my $our_urls = qr{ # We determine whether a referer header is from our site # by seeing if it matches this regex. ## # Anchor to start of URL to avoid false matches on things # like http://some.other.com/but/www.perlarchive.com/file.html ^https?:// # Allow optional multiple arbitrary subdomains off our main # domain(s). This allows for www|guide|tlc|jobs subdomains, or # no subdomain at all, or even messy things like # http://tlc.abc.foo-bar-baz.perlarchive.com/ (?: [a-z\d\-]+ \. )*? # Now for our main domain(s)... # This may be a bit overly generous, but the associated # risk is not really significant. Feel free to make this # more presice if you want: (?:the-?)?pea?rl(archives?|gurus?|forums?|heads?|guides?|jobs?) \. (?:com|net|org) }ix; my $convenient_source_access = 1; # Set to a false value if you want to remove "view css source" # links from the stylesheet menu. If this value is true, then # all users will have the convenient option to view stylesheet # sources from the menu page. If it is set to false, this option # will only be made available to developers # (who are defined by IP address in @development_machines below). my $verbose_developer_information = 1; # leave this at a true value while you're getting acquainted # with the developer options in the stylesheet menu. Once you # know what everything does, set this to a false value, and # the script will remove a bunch of fluff so you don't have # to scroll through it all to get to the meat of the menu. my $record_key_order = 0; # THIS ONE IS NOT A CONFIGURABLE ITEM # (It's a counter to maintain key's sort order in %css below.) my %css = ( # Hash of hashes with one entry for each of stylesheet. # Define the keys in the same order you want them to appear # in the menu page. Note that non-public stylesheets will # only be visible to the developer (as defined by IP address # below) and will be clearly marked as non-public even then. ## # The values used for keys below are user-visible in one place, # where we tell them what their cookie contains. We also give # the label for the stylesheet, so the key doesn't need to be # overly-descriptive. However, you probably don't want to use # anything as a key that you wouldn't want a user reading. # So "std" isn't amazingly descriptive, but it's a fine %css key. 'std' => { 'public' => 1, # is this stylesheet ready for public use yet? 'label' => 'Default Stylesheet', # user-readable stylesheet name 'sort' => $record_key_order++, # User will see the unescaped description in HTML. So, please # use HTML tags. For ideal formating, the description HTML should # be appropriate for inclusion in a list item, and should end # with something indicating a break. # A single paragraph element of description is probably ideal; 'description' => p( q{This is the base stylesheet developed for the}, q{Perl Archive web site. It's an evolving balance}, q{of our design considerations and your input.}, ), 'fetch' => \&get_base_default_stylesheet, # Subref to generate css # By using a subref, we avoid having to allocate memory # for every single stylesheet when sometimes we don't # use any of them, and othertimes we only need one. This # becomes more relevant in the variations of the base # stylesheet below... # The referenced sub needs to return the text of the css file. # It could read it from disk, or modify a stylesheet returned # by some other sub (as the next two do), or have the contents # in a big string (HEREDOC'ed or something) and return that. # This particular ref'ed sub yanks everything from main::DATA. }, 'usr_sized' => { 'public' => 1, 'label' => 'Stylesheet Without Font-Size Modifications', 'sort' => $record_key_order++, 'description' => p( q{Our default stylesheet excersizes control over}, q{font sizes. For those of you who may have higher}, q{resolution monitors, or other considerations which}, q{make our standard font sizes uncomfortably small,}, q{we offer this variation which leaves font sizes}, q{to the discression of your browser preferences.}, ), 'fetch' => sub { return &remove_font_sizes( &get_base_default_stylesheet() ); }, }, 'usr_sized_no_arial' => { 'public' => 1, 'label' => 'Arial-Free Stylesheet Without Font-Size Modifications', 'sort' => $record_key_order++, 'description' => p( q{Our suggested stylesheet for Macintosh users}, q{removes font-size control and the arial font.}, ), 'fetch' => sub { return &no_more_arial( &remove_font_sizes( &get_base_default_stylesheet() ) ); }, }, 'no_style' => { 'public' => 0, 'label' => 'Emtpy Stylesheet', 'sort' => $record_key_order++, 'description' => p( q{To see what the site looks like without any}, q{stylesheet at all, use this empty stylesheet.}, ), 'fetch' => sub { return "\n" }, }, ); sub recomended_stylesheet { # Called when user hasn't picked a style for themselves. # (or they've rejected our cookie or can't use cookies) # This sub needs to return a key from the above %css hash. # It can pick any key you want, based on whatever criteria # you want. Maybe you want to recomend different stylesheets # for specific holidays, or more likely for different users' # platforms. # If the user manually selects a stylesheet (and has enabled # cookie support in their browser) than that choice will # take precedence over this subroutine. return( ( $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m/Macintosh/i ) ? 'usr_sized_no_arial' # mac users get this by default : 'std' # other users get this by default ); } # list IP addresses of your development machine(s) below... # They will see non-public stylesheets in their menu pages # (be sure to remove the fake IP data I've put in the list!) my @development_machines = qw{ }; ######################################################### # The bulk of the configuration stuff is now done. # There is a stylesheet at the end of this script, # and a few subs right above that which generate # modified versions of that stylesheet. Also, there # are snippets of HTML and stuff in the bulk of the # code (I've opted against a template system in order # to reduce module dependancy). Other than the big # stylesheet at the end, chances are everything you'd # want to configure is above this point. ######################################################### # set some non-configurable and/or derived variables: my @public = ( # styles for everyone sort { $css{$a}{'sort'} <=> $css{$b}{'sort'} } grep { $css{$_}{'public'} } keys %css ); my @private = ( # styles for the developer only sort { $css{$a}{'sort'} <=> $css{$b}{'sort'} } grep { ! $css{$_}{'public'} } keys %css ); my %p = map {$_ => param($_)} param(); # our CGI parameters my $url = url(); # a usefull thing to know for building links # All done with initializing variables. # Now we begin with the script logic... if ( !keys %p ) { # no cgi paramters... so they just want a stylesheet: print header('text/css'), ( &get_appropriate_stylesheet() )[0]; } else { # There are keys in $p, meaning cgi parameters, meaning # we're supposed to do something more interesting... if ( $p{'clear_cookie'} ) { # Developer-only trick for clearing their # css-pref cookie for testing purposes: print header( '-cookie' => [ '-type' => 'text/plain', cookie( '-name' => 'user_css_prefs', '-expires' => '+1s', # cookie expires in one second '-value' => '', # and doesn't even have content ), cookie( # this cookie ensures that we don't inadvertantly # make the client appear to no-longer support cookies '-name' => 'crumb', '-expires' => '+1d', '-value' => 'temp', ), ], # Ideally, we'd send 204 No Content, but unfortunately, # some browsers will ignore any cookies sent with that # status header associated. So, instead, we use 202, # which means that the user has to use their back arrow # instead of just staying put. Oh well. '-status' => '202 Accepted', ), join( "\n", 'Your cookie has been eaten. Use your back button to return', 'to the developer stylesheet menu. You may want to then hit', 'reload to refresh the text based on your newly absent cookie.', ); } elsif ( $p{'see_current_css'} ) { # Developer-only trick for viewing the stylesheet # we'd return to the developer's client machine # given their current cookie setting and user-agent # string and whatnot: print header('text/plain'), ( &get_appropriate_stylesheet() )[0]; } elsif ( exists $p{'set'} and defined $p{'set'} and exists $css{ $p{'set'} } ) { # user just chose their favorite stylesheet: &set_prefs_and_return_to_website_content(); } elsif ( exists $p{'get'} and defined $p{'get'} and exists $css{ $p{'get'} } ) { # user wants to look at the source of a stylesheet: # spew file as text/plain for user to view print header('text/plain'), &{ $css{ $p{'get'} }{'fetch'} }; exit(1); } elsif ( !exists $p{'cookie_offered'} ) { # we have not yet tested the user's cookie support: &test_client_cookie_support(); } else { # we've already tested their cookie support. # Now it's time to give them a stylesheet menu. # First, note where to send them after they decide: if ( defined $p{'return'} and $p{'return'} =~ m{$our_urls} ) { $home = $p{'return'}; } elsif ( defined cookie('return') and cookie('return') =~ m{$our_urls} ) { $home = cookie('return'); } elsif ( defined $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} and $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m{$our_urls} ) { $home = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; } # now generate a stylesheet menu if ( $p{'ssi_menu'} ) { # this is the documented signature for ssi inclusion # so we return just the menu itself print header(), &style_menu; } else { # No ssi inclusion signature, so assume that # we need to send an entire web page w/ menu. # We also clear out the return cookie. print( header( '-type' => 'text/html', '-cookie' => cookie( '-name' => 'return', '-expires' => '+1s', # cleared-out, and short-lived '-value' => ' ', ), ), start_html('Stylesheet Menu'), &style_menu, end_html(), ); } } } exit(1); ######################################################### # The overall script logic is now finished. # Below are the subroutines which were called above... ######################################################### sub style_menu { # This sub returns the menu of stylesheets, either for inclusion # via SSI, or for inclusion in a script-generated web page. # I'll try to use HTML similar to that found in existing PA pages. # My personal preference would be for sytactically valid HTML, but # since I won't be maintaining this on an ongoing basis, that # preference is not so relevant. my $menu; my $developer = grep { $_ eq $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} } @development_machines; my $instruction = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

The links below describe our available stylesheets and how to select your prefered stylesheet. Your browser may have cached your previouly-selected stylesheet, so if you do not see your preferences taking affect immediatly, try using the 'reload' function in your web browser.

END_OF_HEREDOC if ( (!@public and !$developer) or ($developer and !keys %css) ) { # Hey! Where'd all the stylesheets go? $menu = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

We apologize, but due to popular demand, we have run out of stylesheets. Our tailors are working hard to produce new stock and we will remedy this situation just as soon as we possibly can.

Thank you for your patience.

END_OF_HEREDOC } else { # We've got a menu... start gabbing: unless ( grep { defined cookie($_) } qw(user_css_prefs return crumb) ) { # No cookies here... remind user to turn them on: $menu .= <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

In order for us to offer you a choice of stylesheets, you must accept a cookie from our webserver. This cookie will contain only the name of your selected stylesheet, and will be used only to return that stylesheet each time you return to our site.

If your browser is configured to prompt you when cookies are offered, you will need to accept the cookie offered when you select a stylesheet. If your browser is configured to reject all cookies, you will need to adjust your preferences before selecting a stylesheet, or your selection will not be recorded.

END_OF_HEREDOC } my $cookie = cookie('user_css_prefs'); $cookie = '(no cookie set)' unless (defined $cookie and length $cookie); my $cur = ( &get_appropriate_stylesheet() )[1]; my $cur_label = ( ( defined $cur and exists $css{$cur} ) ? $css{$cur}{'label'} : 'an empty stylesheet' ); my $rec = &recomended_stylesheet(); my $rec_label = (exists $css{$rec} ? $css{$rec}{'label'} : $rec); my $rec_alert = ''; if ( exists $css{$rec} ) { unless ( $css{$rec}{'public'} ) { # recomending private stylesheets if ( $developer ) { # developer gets a warning $rec_alert = join( ' ', 'The script is currently recomending a non-public stylesheet!', 'Users will get this stylesheet, even if they are not developers.', 'Either adjust the recomended_stylesheet sub, or if this stylesheet', 'is actually ready for public consuption, then mark it public.', ); } else { # non-developer gets an explanation $rec_alert = join( ' ', 'Do to an unusual combination of configuration settings,', 'the script is currently recomending a developmental stylesheet.', 'Acordingly, you will not see this stylsheet in the menu below.', 'This is probably a temporary condition which will be fixed', 'in the near future as the stylesheet is either removed', 'from the pool of recomended stylesheets, or is added to the', 'list of stylesheets available in the menu.', ); } } } elsif ( $developer ) { # non-existant recomendation, developer gets a warning: $rec_alert = join( ' ', 'The script is currently recomending a non-existant stylesheet!', 'We will try to compensate by offering the first-listed public', 'stylesheet, but you should fix the recomended_stylesheet sub.', 'If no public stylesheets are available, then the user will', 'either get an empty one (the default behavior), or the first', 'available private stylesheet (if someone adjusted the script).', ); } else { # non-existant recomendation, non-developer gets a cover-up: $rec_label = 'an empty stylesheet'; } my $esc_url = escapeHTML($url); my $view_cur_links = ( $convenient_source_access||$developer ? join( "\n", 'You can view this stylesheet in', qq{this window}, 'or in a', qq{new window.}, ) : '' # non-developers may not have convenient src access ); my $style_selection_info = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

With your current style preferences cookie value of $cookie, this script would serve you $cur_label. $view_cur_links

This script would currently serve the $rec_label stylesheet to someone with this browser who had not explicitly set a preference. $rec_alert

END_OF_HEREDOC if ( $developer ) { # We've got a developer. Explain what's happening in case # some non-developer stumbled onto the features, and also # throw in the features for the developer. These will include # a couple of extra links and access to non-public stylesheets. $convenient_source_access = 1; # just in case this was turned off for normal users, # we ensure that it's always turned on for developers my $developer_gab; if ( $verbose_developer_information ) { $developer_gab = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

Your IP address ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}) was found within our list of known development machine IP addresses. If you are not a developer, then perhaps you're using the same proxy server as one of our developers, or have been assigned a dynamic IP address recently used by one of our developers. If that it the case, you will see some extra features here which will allow you to preview unfinished stylesheets. You won't be able to edit anything, but you may be able to see what our website looks like with a half-finished stylesheet.


To clear your current stylesheet preference cookie, use this link.

Tip: If you want to ensure that you're returned to this menu page after you select a new stylesheet, click this link first. That way, your referer header will show that you came from here before selecting your stylesheet, so you'll be returned here afterwards. (Your browser must send a refer header for this to work.)

END_OF_HEREDOC } else { $developer_gab = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

Your IP address ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}) was found within our list of known development machine IP addresses. To clear your current stylesheet preference cookie, use this link. To return to this page after selecting stylesheets, click this link

$style_selection_info END_OF_HEREDOC } $menu .= <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";


END_OF_HEREDOC $style_selection_info = ''; # don't repeat again in public stylesheet area if ( !@public ) { $menu .= <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

There are currently no public stylesheets available. This situation should be fixed (and quickly, if this stylesheet script is currently live).

END_OF_HEREDOC } if ( !@private ) { $menu .= <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

All stylesheet entries are for public stylesheets. This is perfectly fine. In the future, you may find it convenient to create a couple of private stylesheets in order to tinker with developmental versions.

END_OF_HEREDOC } else { # We have private stylesheets: my $menu_list = ul(li([ map { &menu_item($_) } @private ])); if ( $verbose_developer_information ) { $developer_gab = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

Private stylesheets are not listed in the menu page when non-developers (as determined by IP address) access that menu page. However, no great pains are taken to prevent those users from selecting a non-public stylesheet as their prefered stylesheet. This is a good thing. It means that if you want someone to provide feedback on a stylesheet currently under development, you can copy the URLs used in the links below to give them access. You can allow them to view the source of the stylesheet, and to set the stylesheet as their preference.

$instruction END_OF_HEREDOC } else { $developer_gab = <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

Here are the private stylesheets...


$developer_gab $menu_list

END_OF_HEREDOC # Modify instructions so developer won't read them twice $instruction = p('... and here are the public stylesheets:'); } } if ( @public ) { # We have public stylesheets: my $menu_list = ul(li([ map { &menu_item($_) } @public ])); $menu .= <<" END_OF_HEREDOC";

$style_selection_info $instruction $menu_list

END_OF_HEREDOC } } return $menu; } sub menu_item { # Takes name of a key in %css as only argument. # Returns HTML-formated chunk of text with # label (note if private) (note if selected), description, # links to select, and sometimes to view src # (obeys a $convenient_source_access config var) my $style = shift; my $priv_note = $css{$style}{'public'} ? '' : '(private)'; my $select_url = escapeHTML( join( '', $url, '?set=', uri_escape( $style ), '&return=', uri_escape( $home ), )); my $view_src_url = escapeHTML( join( '', $url, '?get=', uri_escape( $style ), )); my $label = escapeHTML( $css{$style}{'label'} ); my $select_note = ( cookie('user_css_prefs') eq $style ? 'This is your currently-selected stylesheet.
' : 'To select this stylesheet, ' . qq{click here.
} ); my $view_note = ( $convenient_source_access ? join( "\n", 'You may view the CSS source in', qq{this window}, 'or', qq{a new window.}, ) : '' ); return <<" END_OF_HEREDOC"; $label $priv_note
$select_note $view_note $css{$style}{'description'}
END_OF_HEREDOC } sub set_prefs_and_return_to_website_content { $home = $p{'return'} if ( $p{'return'} =~ m{$our_urls} ); print( header( '-type' => 'text/plain', '-cookie' => cookie( '-name' => 'user_css_prefs', '-expires' => '+1y', # cookie good for one year '-value' => $p{'set'}, ), '-location' => $home, ), # The location header tells the browser to redirect, so # the user will likely never read the contents of the # document we send with that header. There's no reason # not to send *something* though, just in case something # goes wrong and they get stuck w/o a redirect (maybe # their modem connection failed right after they got # the redirect request or something). join( "\n", q{This script is requesting to set a cookie with}, q{your indicated stylesheet preference and redirect}, q{your browser to}, qq{ $home}, q{You should be taken there automatically. If you do}, q{not see your stylesheet preferences taking affect,}, q{you may need to enable cookie acceptance in your}, q{local web browser preferences.}, ), ); } sub test_client_cookie_support { # We haven't yet tested whether or not they accept cookies # ...we need to know this, so lets find out... # We do this by sending a cookie and a redirect to the # menu page. If they get to the menu page with a cookie, # then cool. Otherwise, the menu page will include some # verbage asking them to enable cookies. ## # As long as we're sending a cookie, why not put something # usefull in there. We'll grab the referer header so we # know what page they were on when they clicked the menu # link. That way (if they support cookies) we'll have the # info available to return them there after they pick a # stylesheet. If they don't support cookies, then we may # not be able to send them back to that same page. We'll # repeat the referer in a cgi parameter, so $css_menu is # false, then we'll have it available. If it's true, then # we'll be sending them to the shtml page, where we won't # have access to cgi parameters, so if the refere wasn't # in the cookie we'll loose track of it. In this worst case, # the user will have to use their back button. Oh, and if # their browser is configured to not send a referer header, # then they'll be in the same boat. Of course, we'll be # dumping them at the website root, and they may have been # done with their previous page anyhow, so the worst case # won't always be so bad for those users. Actually, many # browsers will maintain the same referer header across a # redirect, so we'll have three places to look for that # info: referer header, return cgi param, and cookie data! ## # Enough nit picking... here's some code: if ( $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m{$our_urls} ) { # stash referer so we can send them back later $home = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; } print( header( '-type' => 'text/plain', '-cookie' => cookie( '-name' => 'return', '-expires' => '+2m', # plenty long enough for a redirect! '-value' => $home, ), '-location' # $css_menu is the shtml page. # If that's empty, then the script will do it # solo (but w/o the PA look-and-feel). => $css_menu || $url.'?'.join( '&', 'menu='.uri_escape( $p{'ssi_menu'} ), 'return='.uri_escape( $home ), 'cookie_offered=1', ), ), # Again, the user will probably redirect instantly, # and never see this message, but why not give them # something just in case. join( "\n", q{This script is requesting to set a cookie in order}, q{to see if your browser accepts them. You will then}, q{be automatically re-directed to a menu of stylesheet}, q{options.}, ), ); } sub get_appropriate_stylesheet { # Figures out what stylesheet to return to any given client. # Returns the stylesheet itself, followed by the %css key # for that stylesheet. In (hopefully) rare cases where there # are no suitable keys in %css, it will return an empty # stylesheet, and undef as the %css key for that stylesheet. my $style; # name of stylesheet (key in %css above) my $stylesheet = "\n\n"; # content of stylesheet # Default stylesheet content is an empty stylesheet. # Now try to set $style from cookie or defaults, # then fill in $stylesheet as indicated by $style... if ( ( # Try to give them the stylesheet they request: defined( $style = cookie('user_css_prefs') ) and exists $css{$style} ) or ( # Or try to give them a good recomendation: defined( $style = &recomended_stylesheet() ) and exists $css{$style} ) ) { # Fill in $stylesheet as appropriate for $style $stylesheet = join( "\n", "/* you're being served: $css{$style}{'label'} */", &{ $css{$style}{'fetch'} }, ); } elsif ( @public ) { # Looks like the recomendation sub returned bad %css key! # This is a configuration error. We'll be relatively # forgiving and just put a comment in the stylesheet. # Hopefully the developer is debugging by viewing the # stylesheets from the menu page, and will see the # comment. ## # Since the recomendation sub returned a bad %css key, # we've got a bit of a problem. We don't know what # stylesheet to return! How about we just grab the # first one in @public list, eh? $style = $private[0]; $stylesheet = join( "\n", '/*', " recomended_stylesheet() was $style, but $style was", ' not found in menu....', " We're using $css{$style}{'label'} instead.", '*/', &{ $css{$style}{'fetch'} }, ); } elsif ( 0 and @private ) { # Good grief! There are no public stylesheets! # We won't by default give a private one, as it is # presumably still in testing and not ready for public # consumption at this time. If you want to change that # behavior, and allow us to send a private stylesheet # when all else fails (instead of an empty stylesheet) # then change ( 0 and @private ) to ( @private ) above $style = $private[0]; $stylesheet = join( "\n", '/*', " recomended_stylesheet() was $style, but $style was", ' not found in menu... nor were any public styles defined....', " We're using $css{$style}{'label'} instead.", '*/', &{ $css{$style}{'fetch'} }, ); } # Best case, $stylesheet is just what the user requested. # Second best is that we've recomended a suitable stylesheet. # Third best is that we gave the first public stylesheet. # (Forth best is disabled by default: first private styelsheet.) # Worst case, $stylesheet is still an empty stylesheet. return $stylesheet, $style; } sub uri_escape { # Not as efficient as URI::Escape, but good enough for this use, # and removes a dependancy on a non-standard module. my $text = shift; return '' unless defined $text; $text =~ s/([^;\/?:@&=+\$,A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/ge; return $text; } sub no_more_arial { # Takes a string containing a stylesheet as only argument. # Modifies to remove arial font and returns modified stylesheet my $css = shift; $css =~ s/arial,?[^\S\n]*//gi; # [^\S\n]* means... # zero or more of # any character which is not non-whitespace or newline # aka... zero or more non-newline whitespace characters # this character class is used below as well... return $css; } sub remove_font_sizes { # Takes a string containing a stylesheet as only argument. # Removes any font-size lines and returns modified stylesheet my $css = shift; $css =~ s/[^\S\n]*font-size\s*:\s*[^;]*;[^\S\n]*\n?//gi; return $css; } sub get_base_default_stylesheet { # This is the standard stylesheet. Hopefully you can # maintain only this copy and move any customizations # into subroutines like the couple immediately above. return join( '', () ); } __DATA__ .code { background: white; font-family: courier, mono; color: darkred; } .output { background: wheat; font-family: courier new, courier, mono; color: navy; } .legend { font-style: italic; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; } .nl { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; } A:link { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #990066; } A:visited { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #336699; } A:hover{ font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; background:#000000; color:#FDB900; text-decoration:overline } span.tpg{ background:#FFCC66; color:#BF0010; font-weight: bold; } P.guideborder{ padding: .0375 in; border-width: 1px; border-style: outset; border-side: #FFCC66; background: white; } dl { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; } small.menu { font-size: small; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } ul { list-style: disc; color: #000000; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } li { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small; } sup.new { font-size: x-small; color: #FFFFFF; background: #ffcc66; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } sup.pop { font-size: x-small; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } small.date { font-size: x-small; color: #666666; background: #FFFFFF; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } small.numlinks { font-size: x-small; color: #666666; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } strong.search { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } small.more { font-size: small; color: #000000; font-weight: normal; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } h1,h3,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-weight: bold; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } strong.error { color: #FFFFFF; background: #FF3300; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } P,TABLE,TD,TH,TR { font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: x-small; } body { background: #F7ECDD; scrollbar-face-color: #FFCC66; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FF6600; scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFCC66; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000; scrollbar-track-color: #E2DAD1; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: x-small; } .navtitle { font-style: small-caps; background: #FFCC66; color: #BF001F; font-size: small; font-weight: bold; } .navcontent { font-size: x-small; } hr.light { size: 2pt; color: #ffcc66; } .link { font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; } PRE { font-family: courier,mono; } .tableborders { background: black; } .tdheader { font-weight: bold; background: #ffcc66; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; } .menubar{ background: #ffcc66; } .new { font-size: x-small; color: red; } .catandforum { font-size: x-small; } .posttime { font-size: x-small; text-align: center; background: #ffffff; } .threadtotal { font-size: x-small; background: #ffffff; } .posttotal { background: #e6e6e6; font-size: x-small; } .small { font-size: x-small; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; } .standouttext { color: blue; } .welcome { font-family: sans-serif; } .forumtitle { font-weight: bold; } .forumdescript { font-size: 9pt; } .lighttable { background: WHITE; } .darktable { background: #E6E6E6; } .cleartable { background: white; } .alternatetable { background: #FFFFEE; } .subjecttable { background: #ffffff; } .footertable { background: #ffffff; } .formboxes{ font-family: arial, helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: #F7ECDD; font-size: 9pt; } .formboxes2{ font-family: arial, helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: #ffcc66; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; } .buttons { font-family: geneva, arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; background-color: #F7ECDD; font-size: 9pt; } .guidecatheader { font-style: small-caps; font-size: 15pt; letter-spacing: .5pt; font-family: geneva, arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; } .guidenextprev { font-size: x-small; text-align: right; } .guidelistingtitle { border-width: 1px; border-style: outset; background: white; } .guidelistname { font-style: small-caps; } .guidelistdesc { background: #F7ECDD; } P.dropcap:first-letter { font-size: 20pt; float: left; } .guidelistdetail { /* border-width: 1px; */ /* border-style: inset;*/ background: white ; font-size: 9pt; } .listingtitle { font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: .2pt; font-weight: bold; } .imglinkwhite { background: white; }